Thursday, July 19, 2012

My First Blog

So I had to see what all the fuss was about...welcome to my FIRST blog! No this will not be a "cooking" blog if that's what you were hoping for. Ha! I was just trying to find a catchy title using our last name. The main reason I wanted to create this blog is to help capture some new projects or hobbies that have brought me lots of joy over the past couple of years. I'm still very new at many of these things so I thought it would be fun to show the trials and MANY MANY errors that will or have already taken place while learning :) I took art all through middle school & high school and I would have gone to college for it, but my love for food and the cliche "starving artist" scared me away! And I know what you are my major was not English either. So please ignore my grammar and lack of writing skills. I hope that this blog will bring some fun insight to my monogramming, sewing, painting, decorating, cooking, baking, diaper-cake-making life :) Stay Tuned!!

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